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Research project based on pelvic core, 2020-2023

 © Andrea Macchia

CORPO PELVICO was born as a choreographic project on the dancing gesture - raw and spontaneous - where the genesis of movement arises from a state of near-transe


Working with a transversal approach from the somatic to the anatomical, from the intimate to the collective, from the personal to the imaginary, the body progressively reveals its reliefs, its identity textures, those layers of archaic memory, human and non-human memories. 


The pelvis is the point of origin, the thread, the place to return to




CORPO PELVICO was born of my personal need to search for my identity and femininity, with an almost atavistic desire to rest. Intended as a form of acceptance, of liberation from a perhaps transgenerational weight, of letting go.


Which part of the body do I feel I've been holding, controlling and imprisoning for some time?

The pelvis, that part of the body which is the driving force behind movement, the source of vitality, the generator of pleasure and the place where identity manifests itself




CORPO PELVICO is then a starting point for me to question who I am and how I can translate this introspective process into choreographic, sound and vocal language, where intimacy belongs not only to the subject, but also to a collective dimension. CORPO PELVICO is a political act of care, recognition and shared memories. 




From 2020 to 2023, I articulated the research with study, practice and exchange, through solo and collective residencies, facilitating workshop activities and developing body work - sensory and energetic - where a possible space for subtle and deep listening to the body opens up, starting from below


This process has produced:
- the workshop practice CORPO PELVICO addressed to a mixed and miscellaneous audience;

- the dance video art W. Made in the beginnings and during the first lockdown;
- the performance O. scheduled for full production in 2024;

- the archival document CORPO PELVICO portraying the various stages, collaborations and multidisciplinary research material;

- the booklet THE LABORATORY OF THE PELVIS showing the collective experience with local Maltese women artists. 





Concept & artistic developpement Francesca Saraullo


Collaborators, witnesses, peers on the thread of the process Florence Augendre, Eszter Nemethi, Cabiria Chomel, Morena Brindisi, Claire Tonna, Mira Matthew, Esther Genicot, Stéphanie Verin, Pascale Barthes, Anastasia Guevel, Estelle Bibbo, Baptiste Conte, Ilaria Orlandini, Sabina Scarlat, Michela Depetris, Marta Olivieri, Valerie Tameu, Amalia Franco, Elisa D’Amico, Francesco Dalmasso, Erika Di Crescenzo, Doriana Crema, Ambra Pittoni, Mirko Guido, Elisabetta Consonni, Margerita Pulè, Abigail Agius, Zoe Camilleri, Silvia Pezzarossi, Léa Tourneur, Hélène Gautier, Alice Van der Wielen-Honinckx, Eleanor Bryce, Giulia Ferrato, Anna Basti, Teodora Grano, Mariana C. Calazans, Giorgia Briguglio, Giorgia Fusari, Martina Gambardella, Giulia Basel, Anouska Brodacz, Marco Cicolini, Nicolò Giorgini, Chiara Isabella Sanvitale, Sibilla Panerai & ma Yoni. 



Who made this trajectory possible - on the thread of time 

> Charleroi danse (research-grant); GINcubator21, garage29; Théâtre

Marni; De Kriekelaar; CC Maison de la Création; CC Garçia Lorca; Le Bamp; Kunstenwerkplaats; ILES Artist Project (Bruxelles, BE).

> Zfinmalta dance national academy; Institut culturel italien à Malte; unfinishedartspace (Valette, MT). 

> Teatre de sa Teulera Andratx (Majorca, ES).
> Workspace Ricerca X research grant - Lavanderia a Vapore; Around a process of making - Marosi Festival; Spazio Matta; ALT Festival – Attraverso la tendenza (Turin-Stromboli-Pescara, IT). 




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 © Margerita Pulè, ŻfinMalta AIR residency, 2022 

 © Sabrina Cirillo, Around a process of making, 2022

 © Stéphanie Verin, Esther Genicot, research studio, 2022-2023



 © Margerita Pulè, ŻfinMalta AIR residency, 2022

 © Andrea Macchia, Workspace Ricerca X / The ever practicing artist, 2021


 © Catherine Lemaître, Embrace Event, 2023

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