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An archive that portrays a trajectory of choreographic and dance research based practice from the pelvis. Experiences in studio, in nature, in solo, in group; exchanges and sharing with other artists; workshops open to all; drawings, video and sound capsules, texts. 


All this matter collected in a gladly shareable online journal !

@Mira Matthew

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A choreographic dance research project focused on the pelvic sphere with the aim of exploring and giving expression to this largely unknown part of the body through different media and within a collaborative working group. 


Combining the physical and the political in the framework of contemporary dance, new choreographic, visual and sound imagery came from the pelvic core as a pool of collective laboratory. 

@Margerita Pulè

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A correspondence of practices around soma portrayed by photographs, testimonies and stories through the prism of personal experience of Stéphanie Verin, author of the article.

@Mira Matthew

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