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Sur la pointe des cheveux

Artvideo documentary, 2017

 © Luciano Onza, Contemporanea017 Liquida, Lanciano, CH (IT)

Sur la pointe des cheveux is an art video documentary portraying different stages of La Sospesa's creative process. 


The video was made in collaboration with video maker Nasrine Kheltent, who followed the various research phases of La Sospesa's creation. 


Through a process of collection, drift and continuous dialogue, we composed this object that aims to document a study, an obsession, questions, a weaving.







Concept Francesca Saraullo  

Realisation Nasrine Kheltent

Special thanks to all those who contributed to the creation of “La Sospesa”.



Sur la pointe des cheveux, artvideo documentary

Born from LA SOSPESA project

7’50’’, 2017, Belgique, Format HD, colour, 16:9, FR/ENG


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