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Moulbaix dr.

Experimental art video, 2014

 © frame video 

Un cheval aux yeux multicolores guette mystérieusement la brume, le corset fantôme de la Marquise serre les côtes pour faire expulser une poudre farineuse de ses narines. Entre les ruminations des vaches on entend les échos suspendus de la fanfare, un lourd rythme mécanique qui jaillit le long des vertèbres...


In collaboration with the artist Maya Dalinsky, equipped with cameras and recorders, we embark on on a journey to discover the folk environment of this rural land.




How does the sensory experience of a place inspire new topographies in our bodies of a village? 


Moulbaix is a filmic portrayal of a sensory, performative and documentary experience in the village of Moulbaix, in the province of Ath (Belgium).










Concept Realisation Performance Maya Dalinsky, Francesca Saraullo  


Thanks to all the inhabitants of Moulbaix and the Cultural House of Ath.



Moulbaix Dr., experimental dance videoart

20’, format HD, 16:9, color, English, 2014, BE 


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 © frame video 




6 International dancefilmfestival brussels l’art difficile de filmer la danse, dans la section : X-tra 

Danscentrum jette, Bruxelles, BE



Territoire sans ciblee, group exhibition in collaboration with “Art in Public Space” of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels


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