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Solo dance performance, 2019-2020 

 © Sien Verstraeten

ANAMNESIS means remembrance or reminiscence, the collection and recollection of what has been lost, forgotten, or effaced. It is therefore a matter of the very old, of what has made us who we are. But anamnesis is also a work that transforms its subject, always producing something new. To recollect the old, to produce the new: that is the task of Anamnesis.


ANAMNESIS is a solo piece around the topic of the body as archive of archaic memories and the capacity of space, movement, sound and imagery to trigger these. The imprint of the past is transformed in the present, giving shape to landscapes that dance between reality and the imaginary, between human and animal, between matter and spirit. Body writing is combined with voice, text and sound to create a new choreography between dance and performance.


Born in the frame of “Archéologie du geste” ’s research project, ANAMNESIS is a creation work conceived for unconventional theatrical spaces, galleries and museum spaces as dancing matter that adapts and shapes itself depending on the environment, other works present and the performance space in situ.




In the “Archéologie du geste” ’s research project I investigate the body as an archive of memories, both personal and archaic, made of memories, sensations, images and emotions.

And, for archaic memory, I mean the embodied and mental function that brings out traces of (non)human matter from before verbal language.

Interested in the search for a preverbal, primary, primitive gesture in a subtle listening of the moving body, I want to re-contact a trace or several archetypal traces in the body as a political act of recognition of a shared individual and collective memory.

At this historical moment of great paradigmatic changes in society, culture and the environment, of

rapid technological progress as well as a detachment from our bodies, I find necessary to reflect and question memory. It is a sine qua non condition to connect with our roots, our ancestors, to lay new foundations in order to have a new look at the future.

My intention, according to the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s thought (in particular, in the

essay "L'aperto"), is indeed to re-contact the primitive essence of the body and the animality of the

human being as an urgency for the evolution of humans in interconnection with all other animate

and non-animate beings, with the environment and with the universe.

Concept, creation & performance Francesca Saraullo

Dramaturgical Advice Eszter Némethi

Original music Meryll Ampe, Mark IJzerman, Francesca Saraullo


Time 30' environs




De Kriekelaar CC ; Summer Studios 2019 ROSAS & P.A.R.T.S. ; 

2019 Artichok BIJ Aide à la création | BE 

ATLAS – create your dance trails (ImPulsTanz -Vienna International Dance Festival) | AT 

Contemporary Art Center Tignous Montreuil | FR


teaser performance in situ 

Contemporary Art Center Tignous, 2019, Montreuil, France


  Un corps qui danse est un corps «”entre-deux“ : un corps-mémoire et un corps actuel. Le passage de l'un à l'autre, qui se fait toujours dans les deux sens en même temps, est à la fois un acte d'"appel" au présent et de "rappel" au passé. “  

  Daniel Sibony, Entre deux

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© Keith Darmanin , Elisa von Brockdorff in MUŻA museum, Valletta, Malta 

© Mairi Pardalaki in Art Centre Tignous, Montreuil, France




April 25, 2020 - cancelled

Dance Day/Dag van de Dans 2020

VZW Zomer van Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium


February 14, 15, 16 2020 

Strangers in a Strange Land Festival

MUŻA museum, Valletta, Malta


December 14, 2019 

Matières à penser exhibition

Art Centre Tignous de Montreuil, Montreuil, France


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