hors lits saraullo_vaneps.jpeg

Et toi …

Dance performance, 2018 

 ©   Ana Karolina Grimmes

Choreography & dance Francesca Saraullo, Carolina Van Eps 

Dramaturgical coach Greet Van Poeck 

Light & sound creation Francesca Saraullo, Carolina Van Eps

Sound collaboration Kaasper Roggen


Time 20’


Et toi … is a dance performance piece about space “in between” that sustains the encounter of two people. The intention is to make tangible this invisible entity that connects and encourages an intimate and sensitive contact.


What emerges from this relationship with the Other?


Attraction and tension are unveiled in an energetic transformation of bodies that touch each other





This work was born in a studio of Fine Arts Academy in Brussels where we, Francesca Saraullo and Carolina Van Eps, met in 2013. During our studies in “Choreographic Arts and Art in Public Space” we gave form to our dance performance “Et toi…”. 


From that moment the pièce travelled from the stage (as in HETPALEIS in Antwerpen in Belgium and in SPAZIO MATTA in Pescara in Italy) to the non-theatrical spaces (as well in Palácio Do Sobralinho in Portugal; in the Embassy of Spain in Belgium; in Private Spaces during Festivals as Gentbougement in Gent as well as in the last exhibition in Mallorca during the Hors Lits Festival). 

In the last presentation in Mallorca, in May 2023, we presented our work into a big garden of a private house. Not only could we have and appreciate the intimacy with the audience as an important point of our work, but we reaffirm how much a “quotidian” space has this potential to transform itself into a magic and suggestive stage as theater. 

Even by adding new details to the work or enhancing its content. Parallel, the audience feels more at home and involved into a familiar, cozy and warmly context and we, as performers, can really give a living touch to our work by playing with a real proximity with the spectators that are really closed to us and, an put even more in evidence our complicity and presenting the work in its naked side, vulnerability and fragility that is its strength.


Danspunt vzw, Bains Connective, Victoria Deluxe, La Bellone, workspacebrussels | BE

Inestética companhia teatral and Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de Xir | PT

Florian Metateatro Pescara | IT

teaser Et toi … in Dag van de Dans 

Embassy of Spain in Brussels, Belgium

teaser, Et toi … dance performance

DANÇA INVISÍVEL | Ciclo de Dança Contemporânea, Palacio Do Sobralinho, Vila F. Xira, Portugal



Article about “Et toi...” in teatrionline - Italian web review 

Scenari Europei 2018, Spazio Matta, Pescara, Italy


Article about “Et toi...”, pg. 22

BOM-Festival, Ghent, Belgium


hors lits saraullo_vaneps.jpeg06%20et%20toi%20...%20,%20ciclo%20danÇa%20invisÍvel,%20palacio%20do%20sobralinho%20vila%20de%20franca%20ph@vitor%20hugo%20costa.jpeg05%20et%20toi%20...%20,%20ciclo%20danÇa%20invisÍvel,%20palacio%20do%20sobralinho%20vila%20de%20franca%20ph@vitor%20hugo%20costa.jpeg04%20et%20toi%20...%20,%20ciclo%20danÇa%20invisÍvel,%20palacio%20do%20sobralinho%20vila%20de%20franca%20ph@vitor%20hugo%20costa.jpeg03%20et%20toi%20...%20,%20ciclo%20danÇa%20invisÍvel,%20palacio%20do%20sobralinho%20vila%20de%20franca%20ph@vitor%20hugo%20costa.jpeg02%20et%20toi%20...%20,%20scenarieuropei2018,%20spazio%20matta%20pescara%20ph@fabio%20artese.jpeg01%20et%20toi%20...%20,%20scenarieuropei2018,%20spazio%20matta%20pescara%20ph@fabio%20artese.jpeg00%20et%20toi%20...%20,%20scenarieuropei2018,%20spazio%20matta%20pescara%20ph@fabio%20artese.jpeget%20toi%20-%20hors%20lits%206-1.jpeget%20toi%20-%20hors%20lits%206-5.jpeget%20toi%20-%20hors%20lits%206-20.jpeghors%20lits%206%20(221).jpeg

@ Ana Karolina Grimmes, Hors Lits Festival, Mallorca, Spain

@ Fabio Artese, Scenari Europei Festival, Pescara, Italy

@ Vitor Hugo Costa, CICLO DANÇA INVISÍVEL, Vila de Franca, Portugal



May 12,13 2023

Hors Lits Festival

S’Arracò, Palma de Majorca, Spain






December 14

Es Local Espai de creació

Palma de Majorca, Spain


November 4 

GentBougement Festival

Gent, Belgium


September 22 

Scenari Europei Festival Florian Metateatro

Spazio Matta, Pescara, Italy

September 15

Ciclo Dança Invisìvel Festival

Palácio do Sobralinho, Vila de Franca, Portugal


May 11 


Gent, Belgium


April 28 28th

Day of Dance Festival 

Embassy of Spain in Brussels, Belgium



October 6

NEST - DE Vloer

Gent, Belgium


September 17

BARUMBARA - Performative Public Space Festival

rue de Fladre, Brussels, Belgium


April 29


HETPALEIS theatre, Antwerpen, Belgium