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Choreographic and physical practice around the pelvis


 ©Margerita Pulè

- Aimed at professionals and lovers of movement -

CORPO PELVICO is a sensory and grounded practice centered on the pelvic sphere combining individual, duo, group work. 


Through the elements of Danse Sensible, Embodied Anatomy, Fasciatherapy, Floor work and Improvisation tools participants will be guided to a subtle listening of the body by re-tunning the spontaneity of gesture and the energetic evolution of movement. Voice and Imagery will facilitate the mobility of the pelvis by resting on the Breath as support. Between an intimate and collective journey, the singularity of a dance emerges in the openness of relation to the Other (gravity, partner, space, time, invisible). 


The use of touch is becoming more and more present in my praxis





I'm inspired by MFS - Mouvement Fondamental Subtil (a concept conceived by Jean Louis Dupuy, osteopath and co-founder in 1990 of the somatic practice of Danse Sensible with his wife Marie Dupuy and dancer and choreographer Claude Coldy).


Is a very slow, deep movement. It's a property of the living, a vibrant expression of human nature.
It's a movement that represents the power of Great Nature (cosmos) to act within the body.
It's an extremely slow, embodied movement (in consciousness).
The physical state is relaxed by a calm, serene experience.

There's a relationship between bodily sensation and psychic sensation, between slowness and happiness (a state of exceptional joy).





The practice, both physical and choreographic, is grounded in the pelvis: the starting point for developing and embracing personal awareness, expression and gratitude.
The somatic and sensory approach is the key tool for opening up the body's perceptive and sensitive capacities, while encouraging an economy of movement.


My intention is to deconstruct, rediscover and give voice to unknown patterns of the body, revealing imprints of the past and the joys of the present, and revealing new possibilities for movement.


I'm interested in exploring a primary gesture through subtle listening of the body.


Starting from the re-appropriation of this intimate space is a political act of recognition of a shared individual and collective memory.










CORPO PELVICO is a sensory and grounded practice centered on the pelvic sphere combining individual, duo, group work. 


Through the elements of Danse Sensible, Embodied Anatomy, Fasciatherapy, Floor work and Improvisation tools participants will be guided to a subtle listening of the body by re-tunning the spontaneity of gesture and the energetic evolution of movement. Voice and Imagery will facilitate the mobility of the pelvis by resting on the Breath as support. Between an intimate and collective journey, the singularity of a dance emerges in the openness of relation to the Other (gravity, partner, space, time, invisible). 


The use of touch is becoming more and more present in my praxis





I'm inspired by MFS - Mouvement Fondamental Subtil (a concept conceived by Jean Louis Dupuy, osteopath and co-founder in 1990 of the somatic practice of Danse Sensible with his wife Marie Dupuy and dancer and choreographer Claude Coldy).


Is a very slow, deep movement. It's a property of the living, a vibrant expression of human nature.
It's a movement that represents the power of Great Nature (cosmos) to act within the body.
It's an extremely slow, embodied movement (in consciousness).
The physical state is relaxed by a calm, serene experience.

There's a relationship between bodily sensation and psychic sensation, between slowness and happiness (a state of exceptional joy).





The practice, both physical and choreographic, is grounded in the pelvis: the starting point for developing and embracing personal awareness, expression and gratitude.
The somatic and sensory approach is the key tool for opening up the body's perceptive and sensitive capacities, while encouraging an economy of movement.


My intention is to deconstruct, rediscover and give voice to unknown patterns of the body, revealing imprints of the past and the joys of the present, and revealing new possibilities for movement.


I'm interested in exploring a primary gesture through subtle listening of the body.


Starting from the re-appropriation of this intimate space is a political act of recognition of a shared individual and collective memory.










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© Catherine Lemaitre, EMBRACE - La Tortue à Plumes, Bruxelles 2023


 © Anne Golaz, Infor-Femmes Anderlecht, Bruxelles 2022


 © Massimo Malco, Quale genere di corpo ?, Polo del ‘900 Turin, 2021


 © Andrea Macchia, Ricerca X - Lavanderia a Vapore, Turin, 2021


 © Claire Tonna, garage29, 2020                                                    

Contact me for further info: